Be Bold. End Hyde.

We’re done waiting. The Hyde Amendment and other abortion coverage bans interfere with our decisions and fall hardest on those struggling financially. 

Since 1976 Congress has used the Hyde Amendment to ban federal funds for abortion care or insurance coverage. Learn more about the Hyde Amendment, who is affected, and how it harms people.

The EACH Act would reverse the Hyde Amendment and related abortion coverage restrictions, so that each of us, however much we make, can get affordable, safe abortion care when we need it.

Join us! Help lift bans that deny abortion coverage and get one step close to a future where our families thrive and where we make our own decisions about pregnancy and parenting.

Abortion Coverage by State

34 states and the District of Columbia do not cover abortion within their state Medicaid programs, except for limited exceptions. Click the map for state-by-state information.

state map
The number of low-income women seeking abortion who are forced to carry an unwanted pregnancy to term because politicians restrict Medicaid coverage.

Tell Congress to Support the Abortion Justice Act!

We need to guarantee the legal right to abortion and ensure that everyone can get abortion care without politicians creating barriers.

62% of voters support lifting abortion coverage bans

Support for ending Hyde has never been stronger among the public and elected officials at the federal, state, and local levels.

“As our nation continues to face a moment of reckoning and transformation, it is absolutely critical that we remain unapologetic in our efforts to dismantle systems of oppression and stand against racist and discriminatory policies that push comprehensive health care—including abortion care—out of reach for our nation’s most vulnerable.

“It is clear that the legal right to an abortion has never been enough and it is incumbent upon us to ensure that our policies and our budgets affirm the dignity and worth of all people, no exceptions.”

–Rep. Ayanna Pressley (MA-07)

Local resolutions on abortion coverage

When local leaders champion policies to fund abortion, it sends a strong message to state and federal decision-makers. Dozens of cities and counties have passed resolutions in support of ending the Hyde Amendment.

Two cities, New York and Austin, TX, have created municipal funding streams for abortion and other reproductive healthcare, including doula services, diapers, and hormone replacement therapy.


Abortion coverage is an economic justice issue. 


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