Sample Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor,

While abortion has been legal the U.S. thanks to the Roe v. Wade Supreme Court decision, abortion care remains effectively out of reach for too many people. The reason? The Hyde Amendment, first passed in 1976, bans coverage of abortion for women enrolled in Medicaid health insurance. And, the Trump administration and his friends in Congress have already tried three times this year to make it harder for those with private health insurance to get coverage for an abortion.

This interferes with one of the most important decisions anyone can make—whether or not to become a parent. However we feel about abortion, no one should be denied insurance coverage for it just because she’s poor.

The EACH Woman Act will ensure each of us has abortion coverage, however much money we make, wherever we live, or however we get our health insurance.

And, the Trump administration is currently considering rules that would it harder for women with private health insurance to get coverage for an abortion.

We don’t have to imagine what it looks like when abortion is pushed out of reach. Restricting Medicaid coverage of abortion forces one in four poor women seeking abortion to carry an unwanted pregnancy to term. In fact, women who are denied abortion care are more likely to fall into poverty.

It’s time Congress pass the EACH Woman Act now to ensure extremist politicians no longer interfere with a woman’s decision whether or not to have an abortion and so that every woman will have insurance coverage for abortion, however much money she makes.


Dear Editor,

When a woman decides to end her pregnancy, it is important that she has access to safe, affordable medical care. And the best way to do this is by providing insurance coverage – whether public or private – so she can see a licensed, quality health provider and make the best decisions for herself and her family.

Each of us faces different circumstances, and whatever our personal experience, we should be able to get the care we need without politically-motivated interference. It is imperative that we safeguard women’s health and well-being by ensuring that everyone has insurance coverage for the pregnancy care they need, including abortion care, without potentially harmful delay or interference.

When it comes to the most important decisions in life, such as whether to become a parent, it is vital that a woman is able to consider all the options available to her, however she receives her health coverage.

Passing the EACH Woman Act gets us one step closer.


Dear Editor,

Lack of insurance coverage for abortion for poor women is one of the main barriers to reproductive health equity in this country. That’s why passing the EACH Woman Act to ensure every woman has insurance coverage for abortion is long overdue.

When it comes to the most important decisions in life, such as whether to become parent, it is vital that a woman is able to consider all the options available to her, however much money she makes. It’s not our place to interfere with her decision by withholding coverage. Decisions like these are best left to a woman, her family, and her health care provider.

We simply can’t always know a woman’s unique circumstances, therefore it is not our place to judge her experience or decisions.

I urge my [U.S. representative/U.S. senator NAME] to support the EACH Woman Act and for politicians to stop interfering with a woman’s ability to make her own important health care decisions by imposing restrictions on abortion coverage.