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2021 National Poll Highlights Strong Support for Abortion Coverage
According to a new Ipsos poll conducted on behalf of All* Above All, nearly six in ten Americans support public and private insurance coverage for abortion. Nearly six in ten Americans believe that health insurance should cover abortion, whether it is public or private insurance. Nationally, 58% of the public favors coverage of abortion care, … Continued
All* Above All Announces Expanded Work and New Campaign for Abortion Justice Ahead of Roe v. Wade Anniversary and Biden-Harris Inauguration
After seven years of trailblazing work to restore insurance coverage of abortion, All* Above All is expanding its scope. It will apply its innovative organizing strategies to more issues and call for policy solutions for abortion care that incorporate economic, racial, and immigrant justice.
Amid the Pandemic and Uprising for Racial Justice, Momentum To End the 44-Year-Old Hyde Amendment Is At An All-Time High
The 44th anniversary of the Hyde Amendment comes amid a national uprising for racial justice, allegations of forced sterilization of immigrant women, as well as a global pandemic that has caused hundreds of thousands of deaths.
Statement: More Than 40 Groups Condemn Inclusion of the Hyde Amendment in U.S. House Spending Bill
Today, 44 reproductive health, rights, and justice organizations released the following statement in response to the Labor Health and Human Services Appropriations bill that includes the Hyde Amendment.
Polling: Majority of the Americans Support Medicaid Coverage of Abortion Services (2019)
New polling shows that a significant majority of the American electorate supports Medicaid coverage of abortion services; support in battleground congressional districts is even stronger This memo summarizes key findings from an online survey among 1,413 registered voters nationwide and 407 registered voters from 44 battleground congressional districts in 24 states.1 The nationwide sample includes … Continued
National Poll Shows Tide Turning After 43 Years of Hyde Amendment (2019)
Forty three years after Congress first passed the Hyde Amendment, which bans Medicaid health insurance from covering abortion, new polling released today from Hart Research Associates shows that two-thirds (62%) of voters nationally believe the program should cover abortion.
Most Young Adults Want Health Insurance To Cover Abortion, Per New Poll
A new national poll found a majority of young adults believe abortion services should be covered by most health care plans, a finding that contrasts current coverage bans at the national and state level. Read more.
Ten Progressive Justice Organizations Call on Congress to Lift Bans on Abortion Coverage
Dear Members of Congress: Nearly a year ago, President Trump’s election brought a daunting challenge to our doorstep. In the past twelve months, we have seen hurtful and divisive rhetoric; dismantling of federal infrastructure that protects workers and the environment; and executive actions that scapegoat immigrants, harm people of color, and attack the LGBTQ community. … Continued
One Year Since Trump’s Election, Poll Shows Voters Concerned on Abortion
New polling data released today from Hart Research Associates reveals voters’ significant concerns about Trump Administration policies that limit abortion coverage and access to contraception.
Polling: Voters Connect Repro Health to Economic Security 2017
An October 2017 public opinion poll from Hart Research Associates reveals voters’ significant concerns about Trump Administration policies that limit abortion coverage and access to contraception, and a recognition of the impact they have on women’s economic security.